KoNTekS-17 of 2023 at Balikpapan University, East Kalimantan
KoNTekS-17 (National Conference on Civil Engineering) 2023 was held at Balikpapan University, East Kalimantan. Udayana University Civil Engineering study program as a member of the KonTeks consortium. A total of 12 Civil Engineering lecturers who are based at S1, S2 and S3 presented their papers at the KoNTekS-17 event at Balikpapan University, East Kaliamantan.
On November 18 2023, a BMPTTSI meeting was also held.
Apart from the KoNTekS-17 Seminar, a trip was also carried out to the IKN (National Capital) Nusantara Project