Initial Meeting for Revision Curriculum Structure of the 2023 PSMTS UNUD
The initial meeting for the revision of the curriculum structure was delivered informatively by the Head of the Civil Engineering Masters Curriculum, Prof. Ir. Putu Alit Suthanaya, ST, MEngSc, Ph.D, as well as chair of the concentration in the field of Transportation. Discussions and meetings were led by Korprodi Prof. Dr. Ir. Dewa Ketut Sudarsana, MT and also attended by the heads of concentration and the chairperson and secretary of the TPPM PSMTS namely Dr. Ir. Anissa Maria Hidayati, MT, Dr. Mawiti Infantri Yekti, ST, MT, A. A. Diah Parami Dewi, ST, MT, Ph.D, Dr. I Made Agus Ariawan, ST, MT, and Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Aribudiman, ST, MT