Implementation of Community Service in the village of Pedawa Buleleng

Community Service (PkM) PS Master of Civil Engineering in collaboration with the Japanese NGO "YES Project" was held in Pedawa village, Banjar district, Buleleng regency on August 9, 2022. PkM activities are Operational Management and Maintenance of SPAM. This PkM activity is a stage of the YES project, after the installation of a new water pipe network funded by the YES Project Japan. This PkM activity formulates operational and maintenance management to ensure the sustainability of the drinking water supply system (SPAM) in Pedawa village after the construction phase of the SPAM pipeline installation is complete. The leader of the PkM activity team is Ir. Kadek Diana Harmayani, ST., MT., Ph.D and the team secretary is I P. Gustave Suryantara Pariartha. ST, M.Eng, Ph.D. The PkM implementation of the Civil Engineering Master's Program involves lecturers, students and staff, and is accompanied by the study program coordinator, Prof. Dr. Ir. Dewa Ketut Sudarsana, MT.